Friday, May 30, 2008

A Dog's Life

Pass the Marbles!

A special night last night as we had our monthly visit from Peter De Wit - Agility dog trainer and competition judge. Class at 6.30 at Clareville
(3 classes this week - we will be sooooo good!)
Meg had to learn to run through tunnels for the first time and after a hesitant start where Peter showed she couldn't see the entrance or exit in the dark, she started to have fun with it.

Then there was a circle exercise where she ran around a circle over low jumps and then through the tunnel.
Object: to get her to recognise that the angle of shoulder indicates the action she is expected to take.
Great, first time she really seemed to get it.
Then we were practising our Waits.
Object: you know, where they have to sit still despite all the adrenalin, all the distractions and the total desire to run.
She waited perfectly while I danced and yahooed and on the okay command headed out at full speed. Out of the circle, around past the tunnel, around the outside of every jump until she got to her reward - the tug toy. She knew what she wanted and she was going to get it. We stood with our mouths open, and then Peter cool as a cucumber said "Always remember what you are training - she did that wait perfectly."
I think I might lose my marbles at this game.


Heart Felt said...

Great photos of the vampire dogs!

Mary said...

You should see them with their teeth in!

Blurr Paints

Blurr Paints
Rainy Grey

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Weber Circus Spires
Masterton, Queen Elizabeth Park 24.5.2008