Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A view across Cook Stait

View from Lake Ferry, North Island of Aeotearoa/New Zealand, across Cook Strait to the Kaikoras in the South Island.

xxviii Hooked

some say the South Island

is a waka

the North Island is a fish

and the Cook Strait cable (I reckon)

is the only link between them.
Star Waka by Robert Sullivan,
Auckland University Press,1999. ISBN 1 86940 213 8

In the NOTE at the begining of "Star Waka" Robert Sullivan said: "I wrote Star Waka with some threads to it: that each poem must have a star, a waka or the ocean. This sequence is like a waka, members of the crew change, the rhythm and the view changes - it is subject to the laws of nature......
For references to Maori mythology see Margaret Orbell's Encyclopedia of Maori Mythology. Other references are built into the text."

Blurr Paints

Blurr Paints
Rainy Grey

Weber Circus Spires

Weber Circus Spires
Masterton, Queen Elizabeth Park 24.5.2008