Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A view across Cook Stait

View from Lake Ferry, North Island of Aeotearoa/New Zealand, across Cook Strait to the Kaikoras in the South Island.

xxviii Hooked

some say the South Island

is a waka

the North Island is a fish

and the Cook Strait cable (I reckon)

is the only link between them.
Star Waka by Robert Sullivan,
Auckland University Press,1999. ISBN 1 86940 213 8

In the NOTE at the begining of "Star Waka" Robert Sullivan said: "I wrote Star Waka with some threads to it: that each poem must have a star, a waka or the ocean. This sequence is like a waka, members of the crew change, the rhythm and the view changes - it is subject to the laws of nature......
For references to Maori mythology see Margaret Orbell's Encyclopedia of Maori Mythology. Other references are built into the text."

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