Thursday, June 12, 2008

Block Heads!

This dog has sat outside it's owners house in Dixon Street, Masterton for over a year advertising the fact that his home is insulated.

Now on the way to Tinui, a small settlement 40 kms from Masterton, this handsome chap has appeared.

I can't decide if his downturned mouth is because the hill behind him has been clear-felled or if he has been stung by bees from the hives.

Perhaps he is meant as a warning to all those thinking of trespassing on the site for either honey or firewood.

1 comment:

Heart Felt said...

Looks like a fun trip! Did you see your Godson is famous in tonights TA? xx

Blurr Paints

Blurr Paints
Rainy Grey

Weber Circus Spires

Weber Circus Spires
Masterton, Queen Elizabeth Park 24.5.2008